What Do Lenders Have To Tell You About Your Real Estate Loan? Federal “disclosure” forms define the information that creditor businesses MUST provide to consumers applying for real estate loans.
What Do Lenders Have To Tell You About Your Real Estate Loan? Federal “disclosure” forms define the information that creditor businesses MUST provide to consumers applying for real estate loans.
Not all loans are approved. And even when they aren’t approved immediately, it doesn’t have to be the end of your real estate dreams.
You may be wondering what PMI is and how you know when you need to purchase it.
Below is the short version of what you need to know.
According to the Federal Reserve’s quarterly Senior Loan Officer Survey, it’s getting easier to get approved for a home loan.
As another signal of an improving U.S. economy, the nation’s biggest banks have started to loosen mortgage lending standards.
Beginning Monday, June 11, the FHA is changing its mortgage insurance premium schedule for the second time this year.
A reverse mortgage is exactly what it sounds like — a mortgage in reverse. Here’s some analysis on the program and how it could work for you.
Despite an improving U.S. economy, the nation’s banks remain cautious about what they will lend, and to whom.
Planning to use an FHA-backed mortgage for your next home loan? You might want to get your application in gear today.
The new, revamped HARP program is now available. It was officially released Saturday, March 17, 2012 by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.